Training Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs

Training Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs

  RELIABILITY TOOLS & INTEGRATION FOR OVERALL RELIABILITY PROGRAMS   Training Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs - In order to minimize total Life Cycle Costs (LCC), a Reliability Engineer must do two things: 1) choose the best reliability tools from all of the tools available and must apply these tools at the proper phases of a product life cycle, and 2) properly integrate these tools together to assure that the proper information is fed forward and backwards at the proper times. This course will review each of these tools, describing what they are, when to use them, and how to integrate them in with the rest of the program. As part of the course, we will learn about Reliability Integration, the process of seamlessly and cohesively integrating reliability tools together to maximize reliability and at the lowest possible cost.     Materi Pelatihan Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs :   Elements of a Reliability Program Ø Basic Definitions Ø Reliability vs. Cost Ø Product...
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Training Reliability Centered Maintenance

Training Reliability Centered Maintenance

  RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE   Training Reliability Centered Maintenance - Untuk menanggulangi dan/atau memperlambat terjadinya proses penurunan fungsi dari peralatan atau sistem, perlu dilakukan suatu tindakan yaitu tindakan perawatan. Tindakan tersebut lebih cenderung ke arah mempertahankan dan/atau mengembalikan kondisi peralatan atau sistem tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dari kondisi awal. Untuk menentukan kemungkinan peralatan atau sistem untuk tetap beroperasi secara terus menerus menjalankan fungsinya (pada kondisi lingkungan secara spesifik dan dalam jangka waktu tertentu) tanpa mengalami kerusakan adalah dengan cara menentukan ukuran kinerja peralatan atau sistem, yang sering disebut dengan keterandalan (reliability). Keterandalan suatu peralatan atau sistem merupakan peluang atau probabilitas peralatan akan berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya sampai jangka waktu tertentu dan dalam kondisi lingkungan spesifik. Dari kondisi peralatan “baik” ke kondisi “rusak” tidak dapat diketahui dengan pasti. Untuk mendukung sistem produksi yang memadai diperlukan tenaga kerja yang handal atau peningkatan keahlian tenaga kerja profesi Reliability Centered Maintenance.     Tujuan Pelatihan Reliability Centered Maintenance : Memahami dan menjelaskan konsep dasar RCM Menjelaskan fungsi keterandalan Menjelaskan laju kerusakan...
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Training Reliability Centered Maintenance

Training Reliability Centered Maintenance

  RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE   Training Reliability Centered Maintenance - This course is beneficial especially for continuous process industry and utilizes sophisticate and expensive production equipment, such as: Oil and Gas Industry, Electricity Plant, Petrochemical Plant, Marine Industry, Manufacturing, Automotive, Assembling Industry, Aviation, Construction, Pulp and Paper, Mining, etc. The course is designed by considering the need of maintenance method that reliable to ensure the success of production, a method of maintenance to push downs a break down or unplanned disturbance. The requirement of efficient and effective method of maintenance becomes more important when plant facility is automatic system. The big loss can come, if it is late to improve maintenance operation system, low productivity, wasting working hours, last production, engine big failure, and in-harmony relation with customer, successful.       Tujuan Pelatihan Reliability Centered Maintenance : To understand the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) as basic of maintenance management implementation or as an aid-tool for cost management and as part of project management. To understand maintenance...
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Training Reliability Centered Maintenance

Training Reliability Centered Maintenance

    RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE   Training Reliability Centered Maintenance - Tindakan perawatan (maintenance) sangatlah diperlukan untuk mempertahankan performansi dari peralatan atau mesin. Bidang maintenance menghadapi tantangan yang semakin besar sejalan dengan tingginya tuntutan ketersediaan dan keandalan asset fisik, safety yang lebih baik, kualitas produk yang semakin tinggi, tidak mencemari lingkungan, umur asset yang lebih panjang dan tuntutan efektifitas biaya yang sangat baik. Reliability Centered Maintenance menawarkan suatu pendekatan yang baru dalam Maintenance Development Program untuk suatu industri. RCM saat ini merupakan tools yang sudah lazim di perusahaan seperti di industri Nuklir, Perorangan, Minyak dan Gas serta Petrokimia.     Materi Pelatihan Reliability Centered Maintenance : Course Overview Reliability, Maintainability and Availability; Concept and Application Basic Analytical Function in Reliability Reliability Bath Tub Curve Failure Report and Correction System and Data Acquisition Exponential and Weibull Distribution Reliability and Maintenance Development of Maintenance system Preventive Maintenance definition and Structure Reliability Centered Maintenance Approach RCM Methodology (System Function, System Block Diagram, System description, Function and Functional failure, FMEA, LTA,...
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