Training Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs

Training Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs

  RELIABILITY TOOLS & INTEGRATION FOR OVERALL RELIABILITY PROGRAMS   Training Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs - In order to minimize total Life Cycle Costs (LCC), a Reliability Engineer must do two things: 1) choose the best reliability tools from all of the tools available and must apply these tools at the proper phases of a product life cycle, and 2) properly integrate these tools together to assure that the proper information is fed forward and backwards at the proper times. This course will review each of these tools, describing what they are, when to use them, and how to integrate them in with the rest of the program. As part of the course, we will learn about Reliability Integration, the process of seamlessly and cohesively integrating reliability tools together to maximize reliability and at the lowest possible cost.     Materi Pelatihan Reliability Tools & Integration For Overall Reliability Programs :   Elements of a Reliability Program Ø Basic Definitions Ø Reliability vs. Cost Ø Product...
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