Pelatihan Accounting for Non Accounting Executive

Pelatihan Accounting for Non Accounting Executive

    OVERVIEW/DESCRIPTION As in many other industries, the accounting industry dictates that its members all strive to adhere to certain principles and, thereby, provide a similarly high level of service. There are a number of professions such as the medical, law and accounting professions that deal with the intimate aspects of people’s lives. In order for these professions to function correctly, it is vital that the public feel confident in the profession as a whole Accounting is often called the language of business and as such, it is very important for all staff to be familiar with this very critical functional area. Enable participants to become comfortable in the understanding and the use of accounting information.   OBJECTIVES Comprehend - The nature and purpose of accounting - The ways accounting events are measured, recorded and reported - How accounting information is used by both internal and external decision makers. Develop - Skills in analysing accounting reports and evaluating organisational performance - Skills in analysing costs of products and services and...
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