Pelatihan Advanced Suopervisory Skills
In our ever-changing and increasingly complicated world, the role of the supervisor becomes progressively more complex. Global, national, and local events including terrorism; school shootings; cuts in federal and local funding; and changes in the generational, ethnic, and gender composition of the workforce create challenges for the supervisor that are greater than ever before. Accordingly, every supervisor must view development as an ongoing process to ensure that individuals and agencies remain relevant and effective. Supervisors and managers are tasked to make sure that things are done correctly and at the right time. However, managing people has gradually evolved, and most experienced supervisors must learn to adapt to the change. Some “old” supervisory techniques may no longer work. In this advanced training program, you will be taught the best practices in management, and how to supervise a team in the most effective manner.
Learn how to apply “Good to Great” leadership concepts in the law enforcement context
Apply motivational tools to...