Training Property Valuation
Training Property Valuation - As every property is unique, the valuation of property presents many challenges and has a strong influence on the financial viability of both existing buildings and the development process. General models for valuing commercial property, industrial property and land will be introduced.
Tujuan Pelatihan Property Valuation :
The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the techniques employed when preparing a commercial investment based property valuation. It will also provide background knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when dealing with property
Materi Pelatihan Property Valuation :
Course Introduction and Valuation Principals, Concepts & Definitions
Key Valuation Approaches & Methodology
Investment Valuation Models – Time Value Concepts
Investment Valuation Models – Capitalisation Approach & Discounted Cashflow
Test and Commercial Land Valuation – Key Methods & Influencing Factors
Commercial Land Valuation – main methods and contaminated land
Valuation of Investment Property – Key Factors (tenure, zoning, location
management, Leases & Building Measurement
Valuation of...