Training Protective Relay & Power Plant Management

Training Protective Relay & Power Plant Management

    PROTECTIVE RELAY & POWER PLANT MANAGEMENT     Training Protective Relay & Power Plant Management - Power Plant Management should start from the planning of a Power Plant. This planning includes the type of Power Plant which considers the availability of the resources and the capacity of each unit which consider the existing load profile as well as future load profile. The wrong design in choosing the capacity of each unit will cause a high operating and maintenance cost. The rule of thumbs is the capacity of each unit should be at the same rating. Moreover, IPP should consider a spinning reserve and contingency plan during the maintenance. In general, the rating of spinning reserve unit of the system will be the highest rating of the engine. The wide variants in the rating of each engine will cause a difficult arrangement for the Power Plant Engineer in the scheduling of Units for the operation as well as the maintenance. Reliable electricity means...
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Training Power Management System

Training Power Management System

  POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM   Training Power Management System - Training ini akan membahas management energi listrik terutama pada sisi beban, seperti bagaimana manajemen beban-beban yang terpasang agar mendapatkan suplai energi listrik dengan jumlah yang cukup pada saat dibutuhkan, serta bagaimana mengoperasikan peralatan tersebut dengan tingkat konsumsi energi listrik yang minimum. Bila dua hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan baik, tentunya tujuan penekanan biaya produksi dapat tercapai.   Materi Pelatihan Power Management System : Organizing of energy management Translating energy into cost Load management Energy management for motor, system and electrical equipment Metering for energy management Energy management for lightning system Cogeneration   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan) 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack) Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan) Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman Akses Internet Wireless Smoking Area. Sertifikat Keikutsertaan...
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