Training Pitting & Crevice Corrosion
Training Pitting & Crevice Corrosion - Pitting corrosion is a localized form of corrosion by which cavities or "holes" are produced in the material. Pitting is considered to be more dangerous thanuniform corrosion damage because it is more difficult to detect, predict anddesign against.
Materi Pelatihan Pitting & Crevice Corrosion :
1. A pit
2. Causes of pitting
3. Morphology of pitting
4. Theory of differential aeration
5. Anode acidifies
6. Cathode passivates
7. An active/passive differential aeration cell
8. Under deposit pitting of passive metals
9. Under deposit pit growth
10. Chloride induced pitting of passive metals
11. Chloride induced pit growth
12. Chloride induced pitting of passive metals
13. Prevention of pitting
14. Crevice corrosion
15. Crevice corrosion of passive metals
Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh :
Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla
Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard
Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack)
Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan)