Training Piping Engineering And Plant Design

Training Piping Engineering And Plant Design

  PIPING ENGINEERING AND PLANT DESIGN   Training Piping Engineering And Plant Design - Upon completion of this course, attendees will have knowledge of piping engineering and plant design requirements and be able to begin applying them in their work.     Materi Pelatihan Piping Engineering And Plant Design : 1. Material selection considerations 2. Fittings, flanges, and gaskets 3. Valve functions, types, and selection procedure 4. Loads and stresses 5. Pressure design of components 6. System layout considerations 7. Pipe supports and restraints 8. Piping flexibility 9. Design information required for piping stress analysis 10. Criteria for equipment nozzle loads 11. Fabrication, assembly, erection, inspection, and testing 12. Other considerations: · Non-metallic piping · Category M fluid service · High pressure piping 13. Latest technology on piping design   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan) 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack) Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan) Basement Tempat Parkir Motor...
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Training Piping And Pipeline Integrity Design & Maintenance

Training Piping And Pipeline Integrity Design & Maintenance

    PIPING and PIPELINE INTEGRITY DESIGN & MAINTENANCE     Training Piping And Pipeline Integrity Design & Maintenance - Design of oil pipelines and/or natural gas pipelines involve the application of mass, energy and force balances, material selection, line sizing, topography and elevation gradients, working pressure, pressure drop, and the related parameters such as erosional velocity, friction factor, flashing, condensation, corrosion, scaling, deposition, and multiphase flow problems. There is no a single approach to pipeline integrity. Mechanical, civil, chemical, metallurgical, unit operations and many other interrelated factors are the basis of the whole design.This pipeline integrity design based on standards, codes and recommended practices, especially that of the API, ASME, ANSI, ASTM, NACE, and all good and common practices. Integrity of the pipeline must be considered from the beginning of the design, to assure that the line is able to operate without failure. The installed pipeline must be in the low risk category. Protection for anticipating internal and external damage must be included in...
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Training Pipeline System Mechanical Design & Specification

Training Pipeline System Mechanical Design & Specification

  PIPELINE SYSTEM MECHANICAL DESIGN & SPECIFICATION   Tujuan Pelatihan Pipeline System Mechanical Design & Specification : • Having knowledge more expanded in Piping and Pipeline • Understanding parametes which determining of design • Be able to do material selection • Understanding the fabrication ways of components and testing • Be able to handle critical problems related to piping and pipeline   Materi Pelatihan Pipeline System Mechanical Design & Specification : • Piping Design • Design Concept of Pipeline based on ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 • Line Pipe Material Selection • Piping Fabricationa and Inspection • Mechanics of Fluids / Hydraulics Calculation and Piping Diameter Selection • Internal Pressure, Stress Analysis and Piping Thickness Determination • Plastic Deformation Analysis • Thermal Expansion Analysis • Vibration and Fatigue Analysis of the Piping • Piping Isometric, PFD and P&ID Basic Concept 2. Piping Components • Valves Criteria and Sizing Selections • Flanges and Elbow • Connector, Supports and Other Junctions • Piping Insulator and Coating Selection •  Metering and Instrumentation System   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla ...
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Training Pipeline Integrity Management System Of Corrosion Control & Cathodic Protection

Training Pipeline Integrity Management System Of Corrosion Control & Cathodic Protection

  PIPELINE INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF CORROSION CONTROL & CATHODIC PROTECTION   Training Pipeline Integrity Management System Of Corrosion Control & Cathodic Protection - Technical and non-technical personnel of Oil and Gas Company who involves in or concern with daily oil & gas surface equipment and pipeline operation and maintenance against internal corrosion, those who responsible of the integrity and continuity of oil and gas transportation through pipeline system and those who responsible to maintain pigging and chemical injection into the pipeline and monitoring corrosion and scale problems with Corrosion Coupons, ER probes and LPR probes.   Tujuan Pelatihan Pipeline Integrity Management System Of Corrosion Control & Cathodic Protection : This special practical approach course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of applied corrosion prevention, control and monitoring techniques for oil and gas surface facilities equipment and pipeline, combating internal corrosion damages using chemical inhibitor injection, and to improve personal skill and ability to control, monitor and evaluate the results of pigging operation and chemical...
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Training Pipeline Design Practice In Oil & Gas

Training Pipeline Design Practice In Oil & Gas

  PIPELINE DESIGN PRACTICE IN OIL & GAS     Training Pipeline Design Practice In Oil & Gas - This course is designed to improve and provide a comprehensive understanding of piping & pipeline maintenance and technology. Pipeline technical calculation commonly practiced in oil & gas or industrial fluid production and transportation operation will also be discussed and learned.   Tujuan Pelatihan Pipeline Design Practice In Oil & Gas : · Better understand and get improvement on the description, classification, requirement and specification of steel pipeline in oil and gas, petrochemical, etc. · Improvement on ability to interpret and evaluate piping and pipeline performance data. · Skill to identify and solve problems in oil and gas transportation system. · Better knowledge of maintenance integrity properly in piping and pipeline   Materi Pelatihan Pipeline Design Practice In Oil & Gas : . Nature of Industrial Fluid, Oil and Gas Field Fluid · Physical and thermodynamic properties of oil and gas-field fluid · Pressure-volume-temperature relationship · Energy balance of fluid flowing in the pipeline Specification and Standard of...
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Training Pipeline Design And Construction

Training Pipeline Design And Construction

  PIPELINE DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION   Training Pipeline Design And Construction - Dalam perusahaan oil & gas, penggunaan pipa merupakan suatu keharusan. Oleh karena itu melakukan design dan kontruksi pemasangan pipa harus dilakukan dengan perencanaan yang matang diantaranya mengetahui betul karakteristik dari bahan pipa sehingga dikemudian hari tidak terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan. Seperti kebocoran pipa, dsb. Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta diharapkan akan mengerti dan memahami masalah yang berkaitan dengan pipa, valve dan fitting, dan pipe line teknologi.   Tujuan Pelatihan Pipeline Design And Construction : Setelah selesai mengikuti kursus ini, peserta diharapkan akan mengeti dan memahami masalah yang berkaitan dengan pipa, valve dan fitting, dan pipe line teknologi.   Materi Pelatihan Pipeline Design And Construction : · Pendahuluan · Characteristic curve of flow in pipe · Auxiliary devices · Standard code · Pipe line technology · Manajemen konstuksi · Operasi dan pemeliharaan · Studi kasus   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) ...
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Training Pipeline Design & Constructions

Training Pipeline Design & Constructions

    PIPELINE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIONS Training Pipeline Design & Constructions - Dalam perusahaan oil & gas, penggunaan pipa merupakan suatu keharusan. Oleh karena itu melakukan design dan kontruksi pemasangan pipa harus dilakukan dengan perencanaan yang matang diantaranya mengetahui betul karakteristik dari bahan pipa sehingga dikemudian hari tidak terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan. Seperti kebocoran pipa, dsb. Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta diharapkan akan mengerti dan memahami masalah yang berkaitan dengan pipa, valve dan fitting, dan pipe line teknologi.   Materi Pelatihan Pipeline Design & Constructions : · Pendahuluan · Characteristic curve of flow in pipe · Auxiliary devices · Standard code · Pipe line technology · Manajemen konstuksi · Operasi dan pemeliharaan · Studi kasus   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan) 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack) Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan) Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman ...
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Training Pipeline Internal Corrosion Control & Monitoring

Training Pipeline Internal Corrosion Control & Monitoring

  PIPELINE INTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL & MONITORING   Training Pipeline Internal Corrosion Control & Monitoring - This special practical approach course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of applied corrosion prevention, control and monitoring techniques for oil and gas surface facilities equipment and pipeline, combating internal corrosion damages using chemical inhibitor injection, and to improve personal skill and ability to control, monitor and evaluate the results of pigging operation and chemical injection with corrosion coupon, scale coupon, ER corrosion probes and LPR corrosion probes.   Tujuan Pelatihan Pipeline Internal Corrosion Control & Monitoring : After completion of this course, participants will be able to:1. Broaden or reshape their knowledge on the related subjects of his or her area of responsibility, learn more detail about internal corrosion control and monitoring, and understand how to select and use of corrosion inhibitors and chemicals. 2. Understand what internal corrosion is, how to detect, predict and monitor their growth, and how to control these serious problems in the pipeline.   Materi...
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Training Pipeline And Oil Storage Tank Maintenance

Training Pipeline And Oil Storage Tank Maintenance

  PIPELINE AND OIL STORAGE TANK MAINTENANCE   Training Pipeline And Oil Storage Tank Maintenance - Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada peserta tentang perencanaan pemeliharaan saluran pipa tanki penimbun minyak.   Materi Pelatihan Pipeline And Oil Storage Tank Maintenance : 1. Teori praktis saluran pipa minyak dan gas 2. Line pipe (menurut API Std. 5L, Std. 5 LX) 3. Pipe launcher, pig rceiver 4. Pigging, tujuan dan cara operasinya 5. Line pipe valves dan control valves 6. Transportasi minyak, system pipa tunggal multi produk 7. Tanki penimbun, kelengkapan, operasi dan pemeliharaan 8. Tanki penimbun   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan) 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack) Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan) Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman Akses Internet Wireless Smoking Area. Sertifikat Keikutsertaan Training Merchandise menarik dari Duta Pro Training & Consulting Konsultasi dengan Instruktur setelah Pelatihan Lokasi Training...
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