Training Machinery Diagnostic

Training Machinery Diagnostic

  MACHINERY DIAGNOSTIC   Training Machinery Diagnostic - Dengan mengikuti pelatihan ini para peserta diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan skillnya mengenai bagian-bagian mesin dan diagnosa jika terjadi trouble pada sistem kerja mesin dan cara mengatasinya   Materi Pelatihan Machinery Diagnostic : Pendahuluan Bagian – bagian mesin Motor penggerak Sistem kerja Diagnosa kelalaian pada sistem kerja mesin Maintenance pada mesin Analisis data Diagnosa gangguan : rotor, fan unbalance, problem misalignment, problem roller dan journal/ sleeve bearing, rugi-rugi mekanis, gear box, belt problem, motor listrik, vane dan blade, resonance/ natural frequency. Studi kasus   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan) 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack) Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan) Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman Akses Internet Wireless Smoking Area. Sertifikat Keikutsertaan Training Merchandise menarik dari Duta Pro Training & Consulting Konsultasi...
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Training Shaft Alignment

Training Shaft Alignment

  SHAFT ALIGNMENT   Training Shaft Alignment - Cost efficiency of plant machinery in today’s market place is increasingly important. Consequently, the need for machinery to perform consistently and without breakdown increases accordingly. One of the most important aspects of rotating machinery reliability is to ensure that the rotating shafts of two or more connected machines are as perfectly aligned as possible. If the shafts are misaligned then vibration, wear and subsequent failure of bearings, couplings and seals will rapidly follow. This course will provide practical training on the main alignment techniques including Reverse Alignment and Laser Alignment. Students will be given opportunity to practice these alignment techniques on our training rigs and will use a Pruftechnik Laser Alignment system as part of the training process.     Tujuan Pelatihan Shaft Alignment : To ensure that the attendees will understand the concepts of alignment and misalignment and of ensuring that misalignment is eliminated whenever possible. To have a full comprehension of the consequences of misalignment...
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Training Rotating Machinery Equipment Specification

Training Rotating Machinery Equipment Specification

  ROTATING MACHINERY EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION     Training Rotating Machinery Equipment Specification - This course is designed to give participants the practical skills to conduct an installation and alignment of rotating machinery in accordance with best industry practice. On completion, participants will be able to correctly install rotating machinery; conduct precision measurements (dial indicators and laser alignment); identify symptoms of misalignment; understand precision standards; undertake appropriate calculations and conduct acceptance testing and commissioning of rotating equipment. This course is applicable to a wide range of industries and is designed for those involved in the operation and maintenance of fixed plant and machinery.     Tujuan Pelatihan Rotating Machinery Equipment Specification : Apply practical techniques for troubleshooting rotating machinery Prevent failures from occurring Understand the selection procedures used to select the correct industrial gearbox Troubleshoot industrial gearboxes using failure analysis Select the correct lubrication to ensure maximum life expectancy     Materi Pelatihan Rotating Machinery Equipment Specification : Machinery Health And Reliability Excellence - Introduction Plant And Machinery Downtime Costs Machinery...
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Training Predictive Maintenance For Machinery

Training Predictive Maintenance For Machinery

  PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR MACHINERY   Training Predictive Maintenance For Machinery - Dalam dua dasawarsa terakhir penggunaan metode predictive maintenance di dunia industri di Indonesia sangat pesat. Boleh dikatakan hampir semua industri besar mempunyai program predictive meintenance. Ada banyak metode predictive maintenance, masing-masing punya keunggulan dan keterbatasan dan juga daerah kerjanya berbeda, sehingga kalau ingin memperoleh gambaran yang lengkap tentang kondisi mesin maka semua metode harus dipakai karena akan saling melengkapi. Untuk dapat melaksanakan predictive maintenance secara baik, maka pemahaman semua metode predictive maintenance secara komprehensif sangat penting untuk semua karyawan yang bekerja pada bidang perawatan dan inspeksi mesin.   Materi Pelatihan Predictive Maintenance For Machinery : Pengertian maintenance Benefit of predictive maintenance Predictive maintenance technique Total plant predictive maintenance program Selecting a predictive maintenance system Monitoring parameters for plant machinery Vibration characteristics Diagnostics and analysis   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft...
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Training Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis

Training Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis

  PRACTICAL APPROACH TO MACHINERY VIBRATION SIGNATURE ANALYSIS   Objectives Of Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis Training : To provide for the participants the tools allowing to identify and evaluate most of the machinery defects during operation. To give the necessary knowledge and methods in view of organizing and practicing an efficient predictive maintenance. On completion of the course, the participants: Know the capacity and limitations of different types of vibration measurement instruments: sensors, analyzers, softwares, etc. Are able to recognize typical signatures of the more common mechanical defects Can decide the kind of signal treatments to apply in order to give evidence of a specific defect and evaluate its severity Have discussed how to promote a maintenance program for each machine, according to the type of machine and its criticality in the production process.   Course Contents Of Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis Training : Concepts of vibration, vibration modes Accelerometers, vibrometers, displacement sensors Machinery failures and related vibration signatures Overall...
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