Training Project Planning & Scheduling - Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan perusahaan adalah melalui pelaksanaan berbagai proyek, baik yang besar maupun yang kecil, internal maupun eksternal. Agar proyek berjalan dengan efisien dan efektif, maka dibutuhkan manajer dan personal dengan keahlian khusus, untuk dapat mengelola proyek dengan sumber daya terbatas yang di miliki. Saat ini hampir semua aktivitas perusahaan berbentuk proyek dengan ciri -diri : Waktu terbatas, hasil unik dan resiko konflik tinggi. Oleh karena itu pimpinan proyek dan semua anggota tim proyek harus dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya. Untuk mencapai mutu, waktu dan biaya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, semua kegiatan yang ada harus dapat digambarkan dengan jelas, dan tujuan yang hendak dicapai haruslah didefinisikan terlebih dahulu sebagai acuan untuk membuat perencanaan proyek. Dalam manajemen proyek, penjadwalan bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar kegiatan yang satu dengan yang lain untuk mengetahui rangkaian atau jaringan pelaksanaan. Dalam penjadwalan proyek kita mengenai metode bar chart, network planning, line scheduling dan lain-lain.
Training Programmable Logic Controller - PLC Training is designed to instruct electrical control professionals on how to successfully integrate a PLC into actual day-to-day industial electrical processes. It not only deals with the hardware and software, but all the surrounding systems that must be compatible to achieve a safe and reliable control system. The Forum is generic in nature and applies to all types and manufacturers. PLC Training is also designed to help delegates keep abreast of the latest PLC technologies and techniques available in this area, this tutorial offers an excellent opportunity for delegates to ask specific questions and exchange ideas relating to their own applications.
Materi Pelatihan Programmable Logic Controller :
This section will begin with a discussion of basic theory of operation and how it is used to control a process. It will also identify potential applications and relate how PLC control compares with traditional methods of control. A discussion of the benefits of PLC control will...
Training Production Planning & Scheduling - Berkembangnya cara pandang bahwa fungsi manufacturing merupakan bagian terpenting dari perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuannya atau dengan kata lain merupakan bagian dari competitive advantage – menuntut fungsi manufacturing tidak hanya terfokus pada masalah kualitas, reliability, cost, late deliveries dan inventory saja – namun lebih dari itu fungsi manufacturing dituntut untuk dapat memahami bisnis secara keseluruhan, khususnya perencanaan produksi. Dalam manajemen modern, perencanaan produksi memegang salah satu peranan yang sangat penting. Dunia industri tidak saja dituntut untuk meningkatkan permintaan pasar melalui pemasaran semata-mata namun juga bagaimana menghasilkan produk secara efisien dengan kualitas yang memenuhi harapan konsumen. Dengan adanya perencanaan produksi yang baik, maka tuntutan ini akan dapat dipenuhi.
Materi Pelatihan Production Planning & Scheduling :
Kerangka perencanaan dan pengendalian operasi.
Teknik peramalan.
Perencanaan dan penjadwalan produksi.
Perencanaan jaringan kerja.
Perencanaan kebutuhan material.
Penyusunan anggaran operasi.
Pengendalian kemajuan operasi.
Aplikasi komputer.
Simulasi penerapan konsep.
Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh :
Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
Ruang Pelatihan...
Training Programmable Logic Controllers (Plcs) And Scada Systems - This course is designed to benefit you with practical up-to-date information on the application of PLC’s and SCADA to the automation and process control of plants and factories. It is suitable for people who have little or no exposure to PLC and SCADA but expect to become involved in some or all aspects of PLC and SCADA installation and Programming. While the course is ideal for people who are new to PLC and SCADA, it will be of value to those who already have the basic skills, but need to refresh and update their basic knowledge. It aims to give practical advice from experts in the field, to assist you to correctly plan, program and install a PLC with a shorter learning curve and more confidence. A selection of real world case studies is used to illustrate the key concepts with examples of real world...
Training Petroleum Geology And Stratigraphy For Non Geologist - Petroleum geology: the branch of economic geology that relates to the origin, migration, and accumulation of oil and gas, and to discovery of commercial deposit. Strategraphy: the science of rock strata, but also with their form, distribution, lithologic composition, fossil content, geophysical and geochemical properties, and all characters and attributes of rock as strata. This course would be expected for participants to know and recognize about petroleum system, hydrocarbon properties, and application of stratigraphy concept in oil and gas study.
Materi Pelatihan Petroleum Geology And Stratigraphy For Non Geologist :
1. Introduction: chemical properties of hydrocarbon, physical properties of hydrocarbon, classification of hydrocarbons
2. Petroleum system
– Source rock
– Reservoir rock
– Seal rock
– Trap
– Proper timing of migration
– Petroleum play concept
3. Stratigraphy concept in exploration and exploration of hydrocarbon
– Basic concepts of stratigraphy
– Seismic stratigraphy
– Sequence stratigraphy
– Facies and depositional environment analysis
Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh :
Lokasi Training di Hotel...
Training Reservoir Petrel - Petrel subsurface interpretation and modeling allows you to build and update reliable subsurface models. Geophysicists, geologists, and reservoir engineers can move across domains, rather than applications, through the Petrel integrated toolkit. Gain a comprehensive overview of Petrel software. Gain the skills you need to start using Petrel with confidence. The course objectives are as follows:
import and edit input data
perform seismic visualization and interpretation
perform well correlation
model faults
use the pillar gridding process to create 3D grids
generate horizons
perform depth conversion
create vertical layers
perform geometrical modeling
upscale well logs
model facies throughout the reservoir
perform petrophysical modeling
make contacts
calculate volumes
plot results
use the Petrel Process Manager to quickly rerun modeling sequence with new input data
design wells (optional).
Petrel Mapping and Geological Workflows
Petrel software makes mapping easy. You will produce finished scaled paper plots within minutes. Intuitive Windows® dialogs lead you through the processes of making hydrocarbon pore thickness maps...
Training Personality Development Training Program - Organizational change, diversity and electronic communications have changed the face of the work place. Today, more than ever, success depends upon the combined cooperation, commitment and action of people-both face-to-face and across electronic and cyber channels. Our technical abilities are not enough to guarantee our success. We need to adjust and improve our personality to meet this rapidly change today’s business environment.
Identify the inside-out approach for success
Comprehend the power of paradigm and the habits of mind
Improve your personal and interpersonal habits effectively
Develop active listening skills to really tune in to coworkers and cultivate productive relationships.
Improve our time management by implementing the Matrix Time Management
Increase your comfort zone by handling the social aspects of business at your level.
Clearing beliefs, mental blocks, negative conditioning, laziness, anxiety and depression.
How to start a conversation with a stranger, win friends and win-win relations
Developing a positive...
Training Perawatan Hardware Dan Penanggulangan Masalah Computer - Memberikan pengetahuan praktis dan tips-tips khusus guna perawatan dan penanggulangan masalah computer secara mudah, cepat dan tepat.
Materi Pelatihan Perawatan Hardware Dan Penanggulangan Masalah Computer :
1. Pengenalan windows
2. Pengenalan virus komputer
3. Penggunaan software anti virus
4. Penanggulangan gangguan windows
5. Pengenalan hardware
6. Belajar merakit komputer
7. Penanggulangan masalah hardware
8. Manajemen data dan backup data
9. Penggunaan software perawatan komputer
10. Pemrogaman data base
Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh :
Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla
Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard
Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack)
Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan)
Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman
Akses Internet Wireless
Smoking Area.
Sertifikat Keikutsertaan Training
Merchandise menarik dari Duta Pro Training & Consulting
Konsultasi dengan Instruktur setelah Pelatihan
Lokasi Training di Bali :
Hotel ibis Bali Kuta
ibis Styles Bali Denpasar
Training Penyusunan TNA & Evaluation - Penyusunan program training tahunan adalah pekerjaan yang rutin dilakukan oleh bagian diklat dan SDM. Tidaklah mudah untuk menentukan kebutuhan training apa yang harus dipenuhi dalam agenda kedepan. Banyak faktor yang mempengeruhi penyusunan program training tahunan ini. Begitu juga cara yang bisa dilakukan dalam penyusunan program training tahunan ini.Proses manajemen sumberdaya manusia menunjukkan prosedur yang berlangsung secara terus menerus dan selalu berusaha mendapatkan orang yang tepat pada saat dibutuhkan. Kebutuhan training pada semua level manajemen harus dianalisis dengan mempertimbangkan atau harus sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan strategis perusahaan jangka panjang.
Materi Pelatihan Penyusunan TNA & Evaluation :
1. Pengertian Training Need Analysis
2. Manfaat Training Need Analysis
3. Dampak dari training need analysis
4. Review Organisation Needs and cascade to HR Planning
5. Proses penyusunan TNA sebagai dasar penyusunan program training
6. Penyusunan kebutuhan pelatihan perusahaan
7. Training Budget
8. Training Implementation
9. Training Evaluation
· Desain Evaluasi Pelatihan dan Manajemen Umpan Balik (Training Feedback)
· Analisis Kegagalan Pelatihan dan Dampak Kegagalan Pelatihan
· Alat (Tools) yang...