Training Shaft Alignment

Training Shaft Alignment

  SHAFT ALIGNMENT   Training Shaft Alignment - Cost efficiency of plant machinery in today’s market place is increasingly important. Consequently, the need for machinery to perform consistently and without breakdown increases accordingly. One of the most important aspects of rotating machinery reliability is to ensure that the rotating shafts of two or more connected machines are as perfectly aligned as possible. If the shafts are misaligned then vibration, wear and subsequent failure of bearings, couplings and seals will rapidly follow. This course will provide practical training on the main alignment techniques including Reverse Alignment and Laser Alignment. Students will be given opportunity to practice these alignment techniques on our training rigs and will use a Pruftechnik Laser Alignment system as part of the training process.     Tujuan Pelatihan Shaft Alignment : To ensure that the attendees will understand the concepts of alignment and misalignment and of ensuring that misalignment is eliminated whenever possible. To have a full comprehension of the consequences of misalignment...
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Training Scada Systems And Industrial Networks For The Petroleum Industry

Training Scada Systems And Industrial Networks For The Petroleum Industry

  SCADA SYSTEMS AND INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS FOR THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY   Training Scada Systems And Industrial Networks For The Petroleum Industry - This training class is designed to provide SCADA and industrial networking personnel with a thorough grounding in the principles on which their operating environment is based, including discussion on developments in supporting technology. The class will appeal to people newly involved in the field, professionals in related disciplines and operations personnel and managers.   Materi Pelatihan Scada Systems And Industrial Networks For The Petroleum Industry : Introduction and Concepts Review Instrument and Equipment Interfaces Telecommunications Services and Link Protocols Master Station Local Network Technologies Adapting Office Network Technologies Principles of Networking Reliability and Redundancy Issues The Man-Machine Interface Adding Effectiveness With Backend Systems Planning and Managing SCADA Projects Conceptual Design of a SCADA System   Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh : Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5 Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy) ...
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Training Risk Management

Training Risk Management

  RISK MANAGEMENT     Training Risk Management - This course will provide risk management basic concepts consist of both risks that are affected by company’s external and internal factors. The are be able to implement or make decision by using concept of risk identifying, to measure or assesment of risk and to do risk mitigation, whether originated from companys action or third party’s, in term of insurance,hedging, or other aspects.     Materi Pelatihan Risk Management : Introduction of Risk Management The difference of the meaning of risk and risk type Price risk Credit risk Pure operational risk Risk management process (identification, measurement, risk handling and monitoring Risk analysis and aplication in a company Handling method and decision making in risky situation Risk reduction through diversification, insurance, and hedging Company’s risk management principles Risk management case study : Risk Quantifying Financial risk management can icrease value to shareholders Organization behaviour and leadership Corporate strategy and operation and organization risk management strategy Business process Hedging strategy...
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Training Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)

Training Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)

    QUANTITATIVE RISK ASSESSMENT (QRA)   Training Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) - Bekerja di industri yang digolongkan industri beresiko tinggi, sangat diperlukan pemahaman tentang kajian resiko yang ditimbulkan. Resiko di industri dapat berupa: loss of material, human injuries, dan kerusakan alat, kehilangan jam/hari kerja. Tiap – tiap industri menggunakan kriteria resiko yang berbeda, tergantung pad kedalam management yang terkait dengan resiko perusahaan. Untuk itu operator / engineer diharuskan mengetahui bagaimana bekerja dengan tanpa resiko ataupun jika ada resiko masih dalam katagori acceptable.   Materi Pelatihan Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) : 1. Introduction to risk management program (RMP – EPA Rule) 2. Fundamental concept of risk 3. Value of risk assessment in the engineering profession 4. General overview of risk Assessment Concept (includes) § Hazard assessment & Hazard system § Dose & response § Exposure assessment § Risk identification (Cause & Consequences study) & FTA § Risk criteria (toxic & flammable chemicals) 5. Release/Source model for toxic & flammable chemicals 6. Fire & Explosion model § Flash fire § Fire ball & Boiling Liquid Expansion Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) § Vapor...
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Training Purchasing And Supply Management: Strategy Concept And Application

Training Purchasing And Supply Management: Strategy Concept And Application

  PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT: STRATEGY CONCEPT AND APPLICATION     Training Purchasing And Supply Management: Strategy Concept And Application - Dalam pelatihan ini, akan disajikan meteri purchasing dan supply management secara comprehensive, dengan pemaparan dari sisi strategy, konsep, serta teknik aplikasinya. Adapun tujuan dan manfaat mengikuti pelatihan ini adalah : Memahami modern strategi dan best practice Memahami bagaimana mengelola supply management yang efektif Membina aliansi strategis dengan supplier Memahami economic indicator, true cost dan pricing Memahami bagaimana mengelola material dan transportation management Meningkatkan kemampuan individu dalam bernegosiasi     Materi Pelatihan Purchasing And Supply Management: Strategy Concept And Application : What Senior Management Expects from the Purchasing Function 21st Century Purchasing Strategy, Planning, and Policies 21st Century Systems, Information Needs, and Reports Functional Responsibilities of the Purchasing Manager: Improved Supplier Performance New Approaches to Strategic Supply Management The Principles of Purchasing Law Managing the Contracting Process through Alternatives and Choices in Special Purchase Instruments and Strategies Achieving Price Stability: Understanding Economics, True Costs, and Pricing 21st...
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Training Motor, Drives & Automation System

Training Motor, Drives & Automation System

  MOTOR, DRIVES & AUTOMATION SYSTEM     Training Motor, Drives & Automation System - This technical course will discuss application and installation issues related to motors, variable frequency drives and related automation products in three concurrent sessions. The course will conclude with an operating demonstration that will illustrate the three types of equipment tied together into one system via communication cabling, as well as over air via radio transmission. The course will provide the delegates with a solid base of Motor, Drive and Automation theory. The course will also make delegates aware of issues concerning the proper application, installation and maintenance of these types of equipment. The material handouts will cover a wide range starting from the basics and moving on to more complex issues.       Materi Pelatihan Motor, Drives & Automation System : ELECTRIC MOTORS Electromagnetism Developing a Rotating Magnetic Field NEMA Rotor Characteristics Motor Specifications NEMA and IEEE standards Enclosures MG! Part 30 and Part 31 differences Impregnation Systems Stator Failures and preventative measures ...
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Training Asset Management

Training Asset Management

    ASSET MANAGEMENT     Training Asset Management - Manajemen Aset yang efektif akan memberikan kontribusi pada efisiensi penggunaan kapital, nilai ekonomi sumber daya, produktifitas, dan kualitas serta merupakan masukan yang berharga bagi pengambilan keputusan stratejik sehingga dapat mengelola asset yang dimiliki secara efisien. Dengan demikian, diharapkan akan dapat dicapai produktifitas maksimum melalui seluruh siklus hidup asset. Melalui pelatihan ini para peserta akan dibekali pemahaman mengenai prinsip, tujuan, kebijakan, dan implementasi dari pemanfaaatan asset management yang efektif dan efisien. Pelatihan ini dirancang untuk memberikan knowledge, skill, dan attitude tentang cara mengelola current assets, fixed assets, dan asset placement. Melalui kursus ini peserta diharapkan dapat memperoleh model, metode, teknik dan pengetahuan yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam mengelola asset perusahaan.       Tujuan Pelatihan Asset Management : Memahami prinsip dan tujuan asset management Memahami siklus hidup asset secara komprehensif Mampu melakukan utilisasi asset secara efektif dan efisien Mampu melakukan implementasi asset management       Materi Pelatihan Asset Management : Overview of Asset   Current Asset Management Ø Cash and Bank management Ø Estimating Working Capital Needed Ø...
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Training Effective Leadership

Training Effective Leadership

  EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP     Training Effective Leadership - Suatu organisasi/perusahaan yang tumbuh semakin besar tentu semakin besar permasalahan yang muncul, terlebih terkait dengan perkembangan teknologi dan pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia (SDM) yang semakin kompleks. Permasalahan teknologi relatif lebih mudah untuk diselesaikan, tetapi permasalahan SDM sangat pelik dan sulit untuk diselesaikan. Permasalahan ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh kemampuan memimpin dari para pimpinan perusahaan atau jajaran manajemen yang kurang memadai. Ketika memimpin, tidak hanya mengarahkan orang untuk mencapai suatu tujuan, namun lebih dari itu, suatu upaya mengarahkan pencapaian tujuan dengan tetap mempertahankan keselarasan antar manusia, keselarasan dengan alam lingkungannya, dan selaras dengan Tuhan, maka kepemimpinan yang sukses haruslah mengalami perubahan paradigma, dari mechanistic paradigm menuju holistic paradigm untuk menjawab tantangan turbulensi perubahan saat ini. Manajemen (manajer/manajer lini, supervisor) adalah orang-orang pilihan perusahaan untuk menjalankan berbagai strategi, kebijakan dan operasional perusahaan, sehingga peran manajemen sangatlah penting dan menentukan kinerja perusahaan. Tetapi ada kalanya fungsi manajerial tidak dapat optimal karena personal yang menjabat sebagai manager tidak dapat menjalan...
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Training Property Valuation

Training Property Valuation

  PROPERTY VALUATION     Training Property Valuation - As every property is unique, the valuation of property presents many challenges and has a strong influence on the financial viability of both existing buildings and the development process. General models for valuing commercial property, industrial property and land will be introduced.     Tujuan Pelatihan Property Valuation : The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the techniques employed when preparing a commercial investment based property valuation. It will also provide background knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when dealing with property     Materi Pelatihan Property Valuation : Course Introduction and Valuation Principals, Concepts & Definitions Key Valuation Approaches & Methodology Investment Valuation Models – Time Value Concepts Investment Valuation Models – Capitalisation Approach & Discounted Cashflow Test and Commercial Land Valuation – Key Methods & Influencing Factors Commercial Land Valuation – main methods and contaminated land Valuation of Investment Property – Key Factors (tenure, zoning, location management, Leases & Building Measurement Valuation of...
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