Training Contract Writing And Legal Drafting

Training Contract Writing And Legal Drafting

  CONTRACT WRITING AND LEGAL DRAFTING   Training Contract Writing And Legal Drafting - Hampir setiap urusan bisnis, hukum, baik corporate maupun personal akan memerlukan perjanjian atau kontrak sebagai koridor dasar yang akan menentukan hak, kewajiban, dan wewenang para pihak yang terlibat didalamnya. Perjanjian atau kontrak berlaku sebagai undang-undang bagi para pihak yang membuatnya dan pihak ketiga wajib menghormatinya, sebegitu pentingnya kontrak atau perjanjian ini maka sudah saatnya pelaku usaha, karyawan, dan anda yang sering terlibat dalam bisnis maupun organisasi untuk mengetahuinya secara mendalam. Pembuatan perjanjian/kontrak yang benar baik bentuk maupun isinya, dan terpenuhinya baik syarat material maupun syarat formalnya, akan membuat para pihak pembuatnya dapat memastikan hak-haknya secara hukum terlindungi dengan baik. Dan jika timbul masalahpun akan dapat dengan mudah diselesaikan atau dikembalikan sesuai hak dan kewajibannya secara proporsional. Dengan demikian untuk mendapatkan suatu gambaran akan dipenuhinya ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan aspek hukum dalam sebuah kontrak yang melibatkan pihak-pihak di luar perusahaan, diperlukan suatu perencanaan dan pengetahuan yang optimal tentang aspek hukum...
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Training Property Valuation

Training Property Valuation

  PROPERTY VALUATION     Training Property Valuation - As every property is unique, the valuation of property presents many challenges and has a strong influence on the financial viability of both existing buildings and the development process. General models for valuing commercial property, industrial property and land will be introduced.     Tujuan Pelatihan Property Valuation : The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the techniques employed when preparing a commercial investment based property valuation. It will also provide background knowledge to enable sound and prudent decisions when dealing with property     Materi Pelatihan Property Valuation : Course Introduction and Valuation Principals, Concepts & Definitions Key Valuation Approaches & Methodology Investment Valuation Models – Time Value Concepts Investment Valuation Models – Capitalisation Approach & Discounted Cashflow Test and Commercial Land Valuation – Key Methods & Influencing Factors Commercial Land Valuation – main methods and contaminated land Valuation of Investment Property – Key Factors (tenure, zoning, location management, Leases & Building Measurement Valuation of...
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Training Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis

Training Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis

  PRACTICAL APPROACH TO MACHINERY VIBRATION SIGNATURE ANALYSIS   Objectives Of Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis Training : To provide for the participants the tools allowing to identify and evaluate most of the machinery defects during operation. To give the necessary knowledge and methods in view of organizing and practicing an efficient predictive maintenance. On completion of the course, the participants: Know the capacity and limitations of different types of vibration measurement instruments: sensors, analyzers, softwares, etc. Are able to recognize typical signatures of the more common mechanical defects Can decide the kind of signal treatments to apply in order to give evidence of a specific defect and evaluate its severity Have discussed how to promote a maintenance program for each machine, according to the type of machine and its criticality in the production process.   Course Contents Of Practical Approach To Machinery Vibration Signature Analysis Training : Concepts of vibration, vibration modes Accelerometers, vibrometers, displacement sensors Machinery failures and related vibration signatures Overall...
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